Website Manager


Thank you for being a part of our baseball family!

Registration FAQs

Is my player eligible to play with Escondido American Little League? 

>Be careful, there are 2 different Little Leagues here in Escondido. We follow official Little League International guidelines regarding eligibility. A player must live or go to school in our league’s boundaries to be eligible to play with EALL. Please enter your home or school address into the Little League Finder to see which league you are eligible for. If both addresses are outside our boundaries, you must contact the other league to register with them. You cannot play for EALL if you are within the boundaries of another league. Please check your eligibility before registering. 

How much does registration cost and what does that fee cover?
>The price of registration can be found on our Important Information page. The price of registration will cover the player’s jersey and hat. These fees also help us pay for all the gear provided to each team, pay for umpires, facilities and maintenance fees for the lights and grounds as well as keeping our snack bar running.

What Division should my player be in?
> Visit our Divisions Offered page for more information.

What is the Snack Bar Buyout or Deposit fee I see on my registration?
We need parent/family support to ensure that our Snack Bar can be up and running on all game days. We ask that parents volunteer their time to work one (1) shift in the snack bar. This can be scheduled at a time that works well for you. To help make sure this happens, we collect a $40 (Fall) or $60 (Spring) deposit up front and then this amount will be refunded to you in cash when you work your shift. The volunteer must be at least 13 years old.
>Some families prefer to donate this amount instead of working the shift. This is equally helpful for keeping our Snack Bar running because these donations are used to pay our teenage employees. 
>Any questions about working your snack bar shift can be directed to your Team Parent or to our Director of Concessions at [email protected]

Can I request for my player to be on the same team as a friend or sibling? Can I request a particular Coach?
>In the T-Ball and Rookies divisions, we accept teammate requests for siblings or friends and Coach/Manager requests. Please just fill in these requests on your registration form. We do our best to make these requests happen since it is our goal  to ensure that all kids and families have a great experience.
>In the Minor B division and above, we do not take player or coach requests since we will do a traditional tryout and draft to form teams. We do, however, keep siblings on the same team if the parent requests. 

What paperwork is needed to complete my player’s registration?

Fall Season

Spring Season

  • If your player played with EALL this most recent Spring Season, we already have all the necessary paperwork on file.

  • If your player did not play with EALL this last Spring, 

    >  you will need to make sure a copy of their BIRTH CERTIFICATE is on file on your account on the Sports Connect website. 

     > you will need to provide                         RESIDENCY DOCUMENTS to prove             eligibility. (Residency Information             can be found here.)

  • If your player played with us this last Spring or Fall Season, we MAY already have SOME of the necessary paperwork on file.

          > BIRTH CERTIFICATE will still be on file.

          New RESIDENCY DOCUMENTS must be                                submitted again each Spring (unless you                                submitted a School Enrollment Form and your                        child still attends that same school.)

  • If your player is new to our league or did not play last year, 

         you will need to make sure a copy of their
         BIRTH CERTIFICATE is on file on your account on the 
         Sports Connect website.

         > you will need to provide RESIDENCY DOCUMENTS to 
         prove eligibility. (Residency Information can be found


Any other questions about registration?
Please contact our Registration Coordinator at [email protected] 


Other FAQs

What if I (or an adult in our family) would like to volunteer to be a Team Manager, Assistant Coach or Team Parent?

Our organization is 100% run by volunteers. We appreciate all the help you and your family can give!
If you are interested in volunteering as a TEAM MANAGER (head coach), please email our Manager Representative as soon as you can ([email protected]). You will need to log in on our website and click on the Volunteer Tab on “My Account” to register as a volunteer. A copy of your ID and a background check is required.
If you would like to help out as an ASSISTANT COACH, please inform your Team Manager on the first day you meet or speak with them. You will need to log in on our website and click on the Volunteer Tab on “My Account” to register as a volunteer. A copy of your ID and a background check is required.
If you would like to help out as a TEAM PARENT, please inform your Team Manager on the first day you meet or speak with them. You will need to log in on our website and click on the Volunteer Tab on “My Account” to register as a volunteer. A copy of your ID and a background check is required.

What other gear does my player need?
Your player will need a glove, cleats, helmet and a bat and preferably a “bat bag” to carry it all. In T-ball and Rookies, there may be an option to wait and borrow gear from the Manager for a few weeks to make sure you know what to purchase. 
For practices, players should wear comfortable pants and a t-shirt. A light sweatshirt or jacket might be needed for chilly evenings. 
Families will also need to purchase socks, a belt and baseball pants to match their team uniform. But, please wait to purchase theses until the Team Manager tells you what colors to buy.

When do I find out what team my player is on?  -and-  When do I find out when practices will be?

Fall Season

Spring Season

  • Teams will be formed by a draft. Once teams are formed, your new Team Manager (head coach) will call or email you directly to let you know the name of the team and when practices will be. Please note: It is a very quick turnaround so you may not know your exact practice day/time until less than a week before practices start.

  • You will need to attend our HAT DAY event. That is where you will meet your Team Manager, find out what team you are on, when practices will be, and what color the uniform will be. This also gives you a chance to shop for matching socks, belt and pants and any other gear you may need. See our Important Dates page for date, time and location.

When will the games be?
> General information regarding when games will be for your particular division can be found on our Divisions Offered Page. Specific game schedules will be given to you directly from your Team Manager/Team Parent after practices have started.

What if I am interested in sponsorships, advertising or know of fundraising opportunities? 

Please contact our Sponsorship Rep at [email protected]
Please contact or Fundraising Rep at [email protected]

How do I know what's going on with EALL?

Reminders regarding everything within the league
(including registration, tryouts, opening day, etc.)
will be sent out via an email to our league families.

Don't miss a reminder!!

We like you to be informed!

If you would like to be added to our distribution list,
please email your request to: 
[email protected]

You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram:

Contact Us

Escondido American Little League

Escondido American Little League, 2401 North Broadway
Escondido, California 92026

Email: [email protected]

Escondido American Little League

Escondido American Little League, 2401 North Broadway
Escondido, California 92026

Email: [email protected]
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